Neuroscience Research
Current neuroscience works
- Stealth neurotechnology startup: I have been working on a relatively new medical neuromodulation method since mid-2022.
- Neurotech Reports: writing about developments in bioelectronic medicine through their BioElectRx Business Report and Neurotech Reports publications
Tips To Overcome 4 Chalnges In The Neurotech Startup World
Med Device Online. By Liron Nunez Weissman and Sharena Rice
BioElectRx Business Report sample articles
GE Team Reports FUS Effective for Type 2 Diabetes
by Sharena Rice, contributing editor
BioElectRx Business Report
Boomerang Medical Gets Breakthrough Device Designation
by Sharena Rice, contributing editor
BioElectRx Business Report
Entrepreneurs Join Academics at Bioelectronic Medicine Forum
by Sharena Rice, contributing editor
BioElectRx Business Report
Dutch Team Demonstrates Improved Graphene Electrodes
by Sharena Rice, contributing editor
BioElectRx Business Report
At the University of Michigan, my foci were both at the level of synapses in neuronal culture and at the level of animals in sleep and wake behaviors.
I was:
- Awarded for Excellence in Entrepreneurship by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for works in the startup world.
- Rackham Merit Fellow.
- On the Alternatives List for the NDSEG fellowship via the Department of Defense for a virtual reality project.
- Hearing, Balance, and Chemical Senses Trainee, NIH T32. OmarLab.
- Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) Trainee, NIH R25. Sutton Lab.
- Dissertation: researched brain rhythms and neural circuits, specifically the bridge between the outer world and the inner world: the retrosplenial cortex. We characterized a newly-discovered brain rhythm known as "splines".
- Joke awards comedian at the Neuroscience Graduate Program Annual Retreat for 3 years.
- Discussion facilitator for the PiBS 503 Ethics Marathon: Research in the Global Workspace, for 3 years.
Ghosh M*, Yang FC*, Rice SP*, Hetrick V, Gonzalez AL, Siu D, Brennan EKW, John TT, Ahrens AM, Ahmed OJ. Running speed and REM sleep control two distinct modes of rapid interhemispheric communication. Cell Rep. 2022 Jul 5;40(1):111028. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111028. PMID: 35793619; PMCID: PMC9291430.
I conducted all mouse experiments for this publication as co-first author, using in-vivo electrophysiology and behavior to characterize the lab's newly discovered brain wave: "splines".
Abstract: Rhythmic gamma-band communication within and across cortical hemispheres is critical for optimal perception, navigation, and memory. Here, using multisite recordings in both rats and mice, we show that even faster ∼140 Hz rhythms are robustly anti-phase across cortical hemispheres, visually resembling splines, the interlocking teeth on mechanical gears. Splines are strongest in superficial granular retrosplenial cortex, a region important for spatial navigation and memory. Spline-frequency interhemispheric communication becomes more coherent and more precisely anti-phase at faster running speeds. Anti-phase splines also demarcate high-activity frames during REM sleep. While splines and associated neuronal spiking are anti-phase across retrosplenial hemispheres during navigation and REM sleep, gamma-rhythmic interhemispheric communication is precisely in-phase. Gamma and splines occur at distinct points of a theta cycle and thus highlight the ability of interhemispheric cortical communication to rapidly switch between in-phase (gamma) and anti-phase (spline) modes within individual theta cycles during both navigation and REM sleep.
Brennan*, Jedrasiak-Cape*, Kailasa*, Rice, Sudhakar, Ahmed (eLife, 2021)
I contributed over 200 sterotaxic injection surgeries as co-author of this paper.
Abstract: The granular retrosplenial cortex (RSG) is critical for both spatial and non-spatial behaviors, but the underlying neural codes remain poorly understood. Here, we use optogenetic circuit mapping in mice to reveal a double dissociation that allows parallel circuits in superficial RSG to process disparate inputs. The anterior thalamus and dorsal subiculum, sources of spatial information, strongly and selectively recruit small low-rheobase (LR) pyramidal cells in RSG. In contrast, neighboring regular-spiking (RS) cells are preferentially controlled by claustral and anterior cingulate inputs, sources of mostly non-spatial information. Precise sublaminar axonal and dendritic arborization within RSG layer 1, in particular, permits this parallel processing. Observed thalamocortical synaptic dynamics enable computational models of LR neurons to compute the speed of head rotation, despite receiving head direction inputs that do not explicitly encode speed. Thus, parallel input streams identify a distinct principal neuronal subtype ideally positioned to support spatial orientation computations in the RSG.
I conducted all mouse experiments for this publication, using in-vivo electrophysiology and behavior.
Abstract: The retrosplenial cortex is essential for spatial memory and navigation. We sought to learn about how the retrosplenial cortex encodes information through oscillations. Our experiment results reveal an oscillation pattern we call “splines”, resembling the similarly-named interlocking teeth on mechanical gears. Splines are 110-160 Hz, precisely coupled to the peaks of local theta rhythms, and observed during both REM sleep and active awake behaviors. We found that splines are distinct from gamma rhythms. While gamma rhythms are in-phase across the two retrosplenial hemispheres, splines are anti-phase across the hemispheres. By sorting theta cycles by either spline or gamma power, we show that retrosplenial splines and gamma oscillations occur independently of each other within any given theta cycle. Splines are also distinct from sharp wave ripples and alternate with sharp wave ripples across REM and NREM sleep, respectively. At higher running speeds, splines become more powerful, more strongly phase-amplitude coupled to theta, and have greater cross-hemispheric coherence. The retrosplenial cortex’s ability to rapidly switch between splines and gamma as distinct modes of rapid interhemispheric communication may allow this region to more effectively integrate information using two mechanistically distinct rhythms.
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